The Enneagram is unique in that each of the personality types are created by an underlying motivation (a basic fear and desire) that in turn influence behavior and perception. The nine Enneagram types are:

1. The Reformer | principled, purposeful, & self-controlled
Core Fear: Being wrong or making mistakes
Core Desire: To be good, to have integrity, to be right
We are drawn to Type 1s as friends and loved ones because they are honorable and committed to a life of improving what is around them with integrity. At their best they are wise, ethical, reliable, realistic & orderly.
2. The Helper | generous, demonstrative, & welcoming
Core Fear:Â Being unwanted, unworthy of affection
Core Desire:Â To feel wanted, needed & loved
We are drawn to Type 2s because they are generous in their efforts to love and care for others. They are great at creating a comfortable space for others. At their best they are altruistic, hospitable, supportive, loving, generous, & compassionate.
3. The Achiever | adaptable, excelling, &Â driven
Core Fear:Â Failing or being worthless
Core Desire:Â To be successful & for their contributions to be worthwhile
We are drawn to Type 3s because they rise to the challenge and achieve for the common good when they are at their best. At their best they are authentic, self-accepting, inspiring, optimistic, &Â energetic.
4. The Individualist | passionate, expressive, &Â captivating
Core Fear:Â Being without personal significance or purpose
Core Desire:Â To understand themselves & their significance
We are drawn to Type fours because they are deeply authentic, emotionally honest, and attuned to beauty in a way that invites us to see beauty in new ways. At their best they are inspiring, creative, compassionate, and introspective.
5. The Investigator | perceptive, innovative, & discrete
Core Fear:Â Being useless, helpless, or incompetent
Core Desire:Â To be capable, to know, & to be competent
We are drawn to Type Fives because they have a depth of knowledge and willingly share their understandings with others for everyone’s betterment. At their best, they are visionary, analytical, objective, curious, perceptive, and wise.
6. The Loyal Skeptic | engaging, responsible, & concerned
Core Fear:Â Navigating uncertainty without support or guidance
Core Desire:Â To have certainty, security & support
We are drawn to Type 6s because they are loyal, honest, reliable, and organize their thoughts and actions around what is most advantageous for the common good. At their best, they are self-reliant, prepared, trustworthy, practical & responsible.
7. The Enthusiast | versatile, spontaneous, &Â inquisitive
Core Fear:Â Feeling limited, constricted, or stuck
Core Desire:Â To be satisfied & content, to have desires fulfilled
We are drawn to Type 7s because they are fun-loving, adventurous, energizing, practical, and resilient. At their best, they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, appreciative, joyous, enthusiastic, & fun-loving.
8. The Protector | self-confident, decisive, &Â willful
Core Fear:Â Being harmed or controlled by others
Core Desire:Â To protect themselves, to be in control of their own life
We are drawn to Type 8s because they are confident and strong, so we often feel empowered when we are being protected by them. At their best, they are resilient, protective, self-confident, loyal, and they use their strength to empower others.
9. The Peacemaker | receptive, reassuring, &Â easy-going
Core Fear:Â Disruption causing loss or separation
Core Desire:Â To have an inner stability & peace, for everything to be okay
We are drawn to Type 9s because they have a hospitable disposition due to their ability to see the world from everyone’s perspective. At their best, they are patient, accepting, open-minded, empathetic & able to bring people together.
Learn more about bringing the Enneagram to your organization by scheduling a FREE consultation call with certified Enneagram Instructor Abbi Rodriguez.
Abbi Rodriguez
International Enneagram Accredited Teacher | (615) 988-0244
