We are drawn to Type 2s because they are generous in their efforts to love and care for others. They are great at creating a comfortable space for others. At their best they are altruistic, hospitable, supportive, loving, generous, & compassionate.
The Type Two structure is comprised of an underlying desire to be wanted, needed, and loved by others. This desire is coupled with an underlying fear of being rejected, unwanted by others or unworthy of connection. Two's focus of attention is drawn towards relationships & so they naturally notice the needs and feelings of others. Because of their focus on doing for others, they can be so preoccupied with giving that they are actually absent from or unable to enjoy their closest relationships.
Enneagram Twos are naturally preoccupied with:
Fostering connections with others
Gaining approval of important others
Contributing & being indispensable
Other's feelings and needs
If you are trying to discern whether or not you lead with Type Two, consider if these "I" statements resonate with you from the perspective of an Enneagram Two:
It is really important to me that those I'm in relationship with know how much I care about them
My personal feelings for others cause me to be deeply concerned about them
I have a hard time taking care of myself as well as I take care of others
I spend a lot of time thinking about relationships
I really like when others confide in me and ask for my guidance or advice
I don't feel embarrassed about expressing my affection for those I'm close to with hugs & kind words
I sometimes feel like others take me for granted & don't care about my needs as much as I care about theirs
As a Narrative Enneagram Practitioner, I believe that the best way to learn about the 9 Types is to experience them. Learn more about Type Twos in my podcast episodes linked below:
Learn more about bringing the Enneagram to your organization by scheduling a FREE consultation call with certified Enneagram Instructor Abbi Rodriguez.
Abbi Rodriguez
International Enneagram Accredited Teacher
www.abbirodriguez.com | (615) 988-0244